Best car brands to buy in Saudi Arabia. Second hand auto market


Having an exact idea of how to buy a used car in Saudi Arabia or choosing which one is the best in this case can be an advantage for everyone, because in this place you can find several brands and models including those you have wanted for some time.

Saudi Arabia and vehicles 

For both novices in the area, as well as for connoisseurs, it is no secret that in this place you can find an immense variety of cars. And the fact is that we come across a market that is completely collapsed with a large number of cars, many of which please even the most demanding tastes of its customers.

It is also no surprise to everyone that only here you can have access to luxury cars and renowned brands at a better price than in any other country.

Of course, in the case of those people who want to buy a second-hand car in Saudi Arabia, they must take into account that, to the final price they must add the import costs and many other procedures that make possible the movement of these cars to any place on the planet.

Knowing this then we can say that Saudi Arabia is the paradise of used cars and that many people can have the opportunity to acquire the car of their dreams at a better price than they imagined.

The second hand car Market

It is inevitable to think of luxury when we talk about Saudi Arabia and in its streets, you can see any number of cars that meet high standards and that are the favorites of the millionaires who reside there.

This may make you think that the non-existence of a huge second-hand car market in Saudi Arabia may be something impossible, however, nothing is further from the truth. In fact, everything that happens in this nation regarding the car trade is quite logical and we will explain why.

The majority of the population always tries to obtain a vehicle that meets the best conditions, making this a goal that every day more and more citizens pursue and condemning to the past cars that are not old. If one of their favorite brands makes a new release, this implies that these people will get a new car in a very short time, leaving aside their current means of transportation.

And even if they keep this item or continue to use it, most Saudis know that the value of a car that is no longer considered new can decline day by day in a dizzying way.

This means that the price of any used car decreases over time with the first few days being crucial as it is at this time that the price drops sharply. But we must also consider that this does not mean that at some point the value of the car will decrease so much that it will be considered excessively low, especially if it is in good condition.

In conclusion, it could be said then that there comes a point where the value is sustained and it is at this point that the owner may consider selling or offering his used car through various channels available for this type of purchases and sales.

Because this scenario is constantly replicated, we could then say that selling used cars in Saudi Arabia is incredibly popular not only domestically, but also internationally.

The fame of the Saudi Arabia used car market has been growing and has become so popular that there are hundreds of thousands of websites that guide all users so that they can be aware of all the information that is required to bring a car from the Arab nation to their country.

Best brands to buy your second hand car

Although this market is huge and offers an infinite amount of options for everyone, we can say that in a certain way a percentage of these buyers have a preference for some cars.

Although there is a wide range of models and brands, there are some that have become everyone’s favorites due to certain characteristics they have. For example, during the last few years it has been seen how many people prefer electric or hybrid vehicles over those that use other types of fuel.

This has generated that the offers of gasoline vehicles have grown during the last months and that many people request in different agencies the most modern and environmentally friendly cars.

Even so, there is a large percentage of people who prefer traditional vehicles so we could divide this classification of the best used vehicles to buy in Saudi Arabia as follows: Electric and gasoline vehicles.

Best gasoline vehicles to buy in Saudi Arabia

With the passing of time we can say that certain vehicle brands have established themselves throughout the country, becoming not only the favorites of the population, but also representing a certain status so their demand is quite high. 

In this case we are referring to cars such as Toyota Land Cruiser, but also Nissan Patrol, both being the ultimate benchmark of popularity throughout the nation, but there are also others that are always at the top of the list of favorites and the best used cars you can buy in Saudi Arabia.

Nissan Patrol

In the first instance we must not forget that this brand and this vehicle have participated in very important competitions related to the nation, emerging victorious in many of these and consolidating itself as the favorite brand even of the royalty of this region.

The vehicle resists high temperatures and is also capable of crossing quickly and smoothly any dune that can be found in the desert.

The strength and efficiency of the vehicle were protagonists and these are maintained over time. As the years go by, the brand includes optimizations that make the vehicle continue to have the same acceptance and durability that it presented from the first moment.

Toyota Land Cruiser

As previously mentioned, this type of vehicle is also a favorite in Saudi Arabia. Thanks to its unmatched features, it has become one of the most demanded vehicles in the nation and also represents the status of its owners.

Undoubtedly, it is a vehicle with a power that is hard to match and its all-terrain characteristics and high capacity continue to make it a favorite of all.

MG 360

Let’s talk a little about this Chinese model that also has a very affordable price, so it is especially for those who, although they have a limited budget can have a car with outstanding durability.

Since its launch this car stood out for offering superior power and also an admirable speed. This means that it could easily measure up to other renowned brands, with the difference that almost anyone can get this car no matter how much money they make.

Renault Symbol

This car also enters the list of one of the most economical cars available in Saudi Arabia. Its main feature is not its incredible price, but that it can easily reach great speeds, so it is included in one of the fastest used cars. It also offers great resistance being able to withstand quite heavy loads.

Its popularity also spread due to its modern and attractive design, so you will be in front of a car that besides being powerful also looks good.

One of the features that caught the attention of all drivers is that, although this vehicle falls into the category of those that use fuel its consumption is minimal, which implies a great saving of gasoline in each of your trips.

Nissan Sunny

Again, a vehicle of the brand appears and as expected it has become the favorite of everyone in the region, regardless of whether they have a budget for an economic car or a second-hand luxury vehicle.

In this case it could be said that this vehicle is ideal for those who are looking for a faster means of transportation.

Among its main features, the power of its engine stands out and it is also considered a car with considerable durability. It is also quite economical compared to other models of the brand, providing you with the quality that characterizes them.


This is one of the best used SUVs you can buy in Saudi Arabia.

It has become popular in used car sales because it offers incredible power, speed and stability for a small price.

It is quite economical so it is within the reach of most people who wish to make the purchase of a more economical vehicle.

Best second hand electric vehicles in Saudi Arabia

It is necessary to say that the popularity of this type of electric vehicles has grown during the last few years, and this is why they are among the most demanded in used car buying and selling sites. Although the future plans of this nation are related to producing hundreds of thousands of zero-emission vehicles, so far it is other brands that have reached the top of this count. 

Tesla vehicles

Many of the electric vehicles of this established brand have become the main target of a large percentage of the population, and the popularity of these has grown steadily and in fact it is estimated that during the next few years a large part of gasoline cars have been replaced.

The propulsion system of Tesla vehicles is one of its main attractions besides that they can reach speeds of over 200 km per hour.

They also grant a warranty that can go from 4 years, also ensuring the operation of its battery. They are efficient vehicles and their luxurious design also attracts everyone’s attention as it differs from others of the same type.

Tips for buying a used car in Saudi Arabia

As in other countries around the world, it is necessary to consider certain factors in order to buy a used car in Saudi Arabia safely and with peace of mind.

Preliminary inspections

One of the recommendations that is always made regarding the purchase of used vehicles is to consider an inspection by an expert. This way this person will be able to notify if there is any fault or a drawback related to the car you are trying to get.

Review of warranties

That type of document can also be reviewed by an expert in the matter or the most common recommendation is that you read it completely, without omitting the fine print, this way you already know what you are facing in case something goes wrong with the car or it also gives you the opportunity to reject the deal if it is not convenient.

Validate year of manufacture

Knowing the age of the vehicle you are purchasing is very important, especially when it comes to acquiring insurance for it. You should understand that an older car will be more expensive to insure than newer vehicles.

Imported vehicles

It is important to have information about the vehicle’s history, especially if it is an imported vehicle. The first thing you should validate is that the vehicle has not been involved in an accident. This could bring inconveniences in the future for different reasons, for example the change of certain main parts.


Once you have verified that everything is in order with the vehicle and you have decided to buy it, then it is important that you take into account insuring it with a plan that can cover the most important aspects and not just the basics.


On many of the websites available for buying a used car, the sellers are willing to make a fair deal, which implies that they are willing to negotiate the initial price (unless they are specific that they won’t). Considering saving a little by getting a used car can be beneficial to both of you, as the seller could make a profit on a car they no longer use, and you could acquire a new means of transportation.