Steps on how to rent an apartment in Saudi Arabia, any documentation required, etc


With Saudi Arabia being one of the top countries on the list of the safest countries around the world, many people have wanted to settle down there. If you are a resident of the country or if you are looking for or better place to start a new life then you should take into account some factors in order to successfully rent an apartment in Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia as a place of residence

This country not only has a certain tourist attraction, but also many people want to live in it because it has a very low crime rate so it provides the security that is not found in many other countries.

Besides this, it is inevitable to marvel at its impressive architecture, so obviously anyone would like to live in a country like this.

But being such a coveted country as a place of residence it has very strict regulations about renting apartments in any of its developments.

For example, for foreigners, their immigration status will directly influence the opportunities to acquire a house, a job or any legal process within the country.

If you want to join this adventure, then you should definitely know what are these regulations that Saudi Arabia has regarding residency within the country so it could be much easier to rent an apartment in the country.

If what you are planning is much less definite than this, you will also be able to validate all the leasing options so that you can better plan your vacation in Saudi Arabia. No matter what the case may be, from now on you will be able to learn everything you need to know about renting an apartment in this wonderful corner of the world.

As a vacation rental

This is one of the many reasons why people want to pay rent in Saudi Arabia. For many, it is much more convenient to find a larger place where they can have fun at all times. Many apartments available for rent during a vacation include all the amenities for visitors. 

For example, there are places that have a swimming pool available throughout the day, while others have a large kitchen so that tourists can prepare their own meals during their stay.

No matter the reason, there are a variety of options. If you have decided to embark on your trip on your own, there are small accommodations that have the basic amenities, 1 bedroom, 1 kitchen, 1 bathroom. But there are larger options for those who want to travel in the company of friends or if you also wish to spend a family vacation near the stunning wakes of this nation.

The price of each of these apartments can vary according to several factors, for example, the number of rooms you have, the size of the place, if it has a swimming pool or other recreational areas. It also influences the area in which it is located, since, being much closer to the most important monuments and tourist areas, then its price will probably rise a little more.

In this case there is the possibility that you can rent an apartment for a period ranging from 6 months to 2 years. Of course, it is necessary that you have all your documentation in order to be able to opt for this rental and enjoy for a long time all the wonders that you can find in Saudi Arabia.

What is the process to rent an apartment in Saudi Arabia for my next vacation?

First of all, you must have your tourist visa at hand which legally granted you the permission to enter and stay in the country for a certain period of time.

Once you have found an apartment in an ideal area and at a perfect price for your budget then you proceed to sign a contract with the tenant.

It is of utmost importance that you consider that all the legal documents that you will sign in the country are written in Arabic so it would be highly recommended that you require the tenant to write your document in your language or in English. This way you will be able to fully understand what you are signing or you can also have a translator of your complete confidence to talk to you about all the specific content in the contract.

In most of these types of leases the landlords usually ask for an advance payment of the rent which can range from a few months or even a full year.

This practice is quite common because by having this amount of money the tenant can ensure the payment of certain damages in specific cases or avoids losing money when people cannot make their payments.

But in this case the tenant is not going to keep all his money once he vacates the property, but this sum is a kind of insurance that is managed through the real estate people or through the owner himself and at the end of the period established in the contract all this money will be reimbursed. In case any damage has been caused to the property, then the tenant will take this money for repairs and reimburse the rest.

Things to Know Before Renting in Saudi Arabia

Because you will soon be residing in a country different from your own it is necessary for you to be able to do a little research about what life is like here. This way you will be able to foresee any number of inconveniences and have the ability to deal with them efficiently.

There are some elements that we consider that are not important when moving, however, you have to take into account that in another country maybe some things work in a completely different way.

Considering all this, there are many sites on the web that can provide you with the necessary information so that you can move with complete peace of mind.

  • For example, it would be ideal if you could have all the necessary information about the basic services that exist in this country. That is to say, you should know how to pay for them in order to avoid having any of them cut off. Another important piece of information is to take into account the voltages that are handled inside the home, since this way you will be able to know which electrical appliances you can use with confidence and without putting yourself at risk.
  • It is also important to know the customer service numbers of all these companies to know who to call in case you have any inconvenience.
  • Another important tip you need in order to move to Saudi Arabia or any other country is to have an international driver’s license, for example, as you may need to drive a car to work during your stay.
  • Making a currency exchange when you arrive at the airport is a practical way to handle the local currency without having to face any inconvenience in the future.
  • Finally, in the case of people who plan to reside for a long time in the country, it would also be advisable to open a bank account to be able to handle most of their payments quickly and safely.

Rent as definitive residence

In this case, those who plan to stay permanently in the country must first have permanent residence in the country. In this case they can opt for the benefits that all or most of the citizens of the nation have.

This means that renting an apartment can be a simple and quick process.

  • Many people recommend hiring a real estate agent so that they can handle the entire process correctly and quickly.
  • Once you have complied with the necessary paperwork to opt for an apartment rental then start the apartment search.
  • When you have finally found your ideal apartment then you and the tenant can sign the lease. Of course, it is important that you get the details of the contract and understand them in order to accept it. 
  • Once you agree with the tenant’s conditions then you proceed to pay the installments requested by the tenant, as we know that in most cases a deposit is required in case of damages which will be returned at the time the contract is terminated.
  • Once payment is made, the keys to the apartment are handed over and the new tenant is given permission to occupy the place and move all his or her belongings into it.

Benefits of taking Saudi Arabia as a residence

People who reside in this country claim that there are many advantages in choosing Saudi Arabia as a place of residence. Here are some of the benefits of working and living in this nation.

Cultural Enrichment

As this has become a new place open to tourism many people could realize that a large percentage of the citizens have different characteristics from the locals. This means that almost half of the population is immigrant, so their origins are extremely varied. So, if you have the option to live in Saudi Arabia you will not only be able to enrich yourself with the local culture, but you will also be able to meet a large number of people from different backgrounds which will give you the opportunity to have a deeper look at multiculturalism.

The safest country

One of the most famous characteristics related to Saudi Arabia has to do with its low crime rate, not for nothing is it considered one of the safest countries in the world. Whether you are a citizen or an immigrant, very few cases of robbery or attacks have been recorded and manifested during the last few years. Living in a place that offers you the tranquility and security you need will undoubtedly always be an advantage.

Affordable prices

Despite being a country where people with a higher purchasing power really abound, there are some elements that always have affordable prices. For example, electricity is known to be a fairly inexpensive service in the nation also Fuel and it is what is expected from a country whose main economic activity is related to this. But also, food is priced cheaply so you can have access to everything you need in worry.

Decent wages

The chances of getting a job with a good salary are quite common. This means that you will be able to have the opportunity to live comfortably especially if you have a fairly complete academic background. Simply put, professionals in different fields have better chances of having more benefits and higher salaries.

Luckily for everyone there are many jobs offers and different salaries, in many cases there are few taxes that many professionals have to face in this country.

Recreational Opportunities

Saudi Arabia has a lot of scenery available for the entertainment of all its residents and also for all tourists. This means that when you think of a recreation site, it has hundreds of options, and you can plan a small vacation at the time you need.

The variety of options means that there are plans for everyone, whether you like to tour historical sites or enjoy the metropolis in the heart of Saudi Arabia.

Rentals in Saudi Arabia

No matter what is the reason you want to stay in the country, Saudi Arabia opens up a wide range of options for all needs. Whether you want to spend a few months to enjoy all its tourist areas, or if you want this country to be your permanent residence, you will find the perfect rental for that.

Each of the apartments for rent in the nation meet the necessary requirements for you to be able to live in the place. The important thing is that you have a favorable immigration status and that you fulfill all your duties.

In that case you will be able to choose the apartment you want in the area you like the most.

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